Defining more new processes

So now we can build a disease process from scratch. This is the simplest way of defining a new process, as a direct sub-class of CompartmentedModel, but there are two other ways we might use instead:

  • By adding compartments to an existing model

  • By adding state to an existing model

  • By computing extra results

  • By composing processes together

Each of these starting points has subtleties, and we’ll explore all but the last here. (The last is the subject of the next chapter.)

(In exceptional circumstances one might need to avoid the process hierarchy entirely and create new kinds of experiment. This can be done by sub-classing NetworkExperiment.)

New compartmented models

A new disease model is easy to build, as we saw, especially if you have a description of it in terms of compartments. It’s usually just a matter of overriding to define the new compartments and add appropriate rules for each event, and then define a event function implementing the actions of each.

Adding more compartments

Let’s consider a variant of SIR called SIRS, where someone can become susceptible again after some time. (This models diseases where the immunity given by infection is time-bounded.) Again, we’ll define a slightly simplied version of epydemic’s built-in SIRS process.

For SIRS we need to add three things to SIR:

  • another parameter, the probability of becoming susceptible again;

  • a locus tracking the R nodes so they can be the target of re-susceptibility events; and

  • the code for this event.

We can bring these three elements together in a sub-class:

class SIRS(SIR):
  # Extra model parameter
  P_RESUSCEPT = 'pResuscept'    #: Parameter for probability of losing immunity

  # Event name
  RESUSCEPT = 'RS'              #: Compartment/event name for returning to susceptible.

  def __init__(self):

  def build(self, params):

      # add components needed for SIRS
      pResuscept = params[self.P_RESUSCEPT]

      self.addEventPerElement(self.REMOVED, pResuscept, self.resuscept, self.RESUSCEPT)

  def resuscept(self, t, n):
      self.changeCompartment(n, self.SUSCEPTIBLE)

From what we’ve seen already this is hopefully quite clear. The new sub-class builds on SIR, adding to its method to track nodes in the removed compartment and add an event with the probability given by the experimental parameter. The code for this event simply changes the node’s compartment back to susceptible.


You can see the code for the SIRS process here.

Adding more state

A process over a network will typically want to save state on each node and/or edge> For a CompartmentedModel this includes things like the compartment a node is in (CompartmentedModel.COMPARTMENT), which is accessed using the CompartmenntModel.getCompartment() method.

Defining new state means providing two things: a name for the state, as an attribute key for the nodes or edges; and getter and setter methods that access the attribute.

Defining a name for the state is slightly more complicated that just picking a meaningful name, because of the ways epydemic lets you combine processes: we have to ensure that two processes running on the same network at the same time don’t interfere in unwanted ways. The easiest approach is to make state names unique to a particular process instance, which is what Process.stateVariable() does. For example, the initialisation of CompartmentedModel defines some state for compartments as follows:

# Placeholders for model state variables
COMPARTMENT: str = None               #: State variable holding a node's compartment.
OCCUPIED: str = None                  #: State variable that's True for occupied edges.
T_OCCUPIED: str = None                #: State variable holding the occupation time of an edge.
T_HITTING: str = None                 #: State variable holding the infection time of a node.

def __init__(self):
    self._compartments = dict()       # compartment -> initial probability
    self._effects = dict()            # compartment -> event handlers

    # state variable tags
    self.COMPARTMENT = self.stateVariable('compartment')
    self.OCCUPIED = self.stateVariable('occupied')
    self.T_OCCUPIED = self.stateVariable('tOccupied')
    self.T_HITTING = self.stateVariable('tHitting')

(We define placeholders for the variable names as a place to hang their documentation.) Code can use COMPARTMENT as if it was a constant – which it is, but a constant unique to this instance. The actual constants can anyway then be hidden by accessor methods, for example:

def setCompartment(self, n, c):
    '''Set the compartment of a node. This assumes that the node doesn't
    already have a compartment set, and so should be used only for
    initialising new nodes: in all other cases, use

    :param n: the node
    :param c: the new compartment for the node'''
    g =

    # set the correct node attribute
    g.nodes[n][self.COMPARTMENT] = c

    # propagate the change to any other compartments
    self._callEnterHandlers(n, c)

def getCompartment(self, n):
    '''Return the compartment of a node.

    :param n: the node
    :returns: its compartment'''

The advantage of this approach is that two different compartmented model processes – for example a disease and an opinion model – can be run together over the same network without one model’s state interfering with the other’s. Essentially the model states of different processes live in separate namespaces, but without any additional overhead.