Running a simulation at scale

On important thing about epidemic simulation is that both the networks and the processes that run across them are typically stochastic: they have components that are inherently random. To study the structure of these processes we therefore typically need to perform multiple repetitions of simulations with the same parameter values so as to squeeze-out variance in the results that comes from chance interactions between processes and network. (As a simple, if unlikely, example, consider the case where the network consists of two components with only a single edge between them and all the infected nodes start in one of the components. It’s likely that the epidemic will die out without crossing into the other component. (A less extreme example of the same thing is studied by Shai and Dobson [SD13].)

Run the epidemic

To run the epidemic, we need to provide the dynamics with the parameters that the disease model needs. The dynamics is actually an epyc experiment, so we provide the parameters as a dict.

We can build a dict giving values to these three parameters:

import epyc

param = dict()
param[epydemic.SIR.P_INFECTED] = 0.01
param[epydemic.SIR.P_INFECT] = 0.1
param[epydemic.SIR.P_REMOVE] = 0.05

To run the simulation, we first call the set() method on the dynamics object to set the disease parameters, and then call the run() method:

rc = e.set(params).run()

Time passes….

Get the results

When the simulation run finishes we are returned a dict of dicts holding the experimental results and some metadata. If we concentrate just on the experimental results:


we’ll see something like this:

{''I': 0, 'S': 9821, 'R': 110}

What does this mean? The dict holds the sizes of the three SIR compartments, susceptible (S, also known as SIR.SUSCEPTIBLE), infected (I), and removed (R). What this result shows is that we have no nodes in the infected compartment (the epidemic has died out, and no-one else can be infected); 9821 nodes still in the susceptible compartment who have never been infected; and 110 nodes who had the disease and have recovered (or been removed) from it.

Re-running the epidemic

But wait! – is this the whole story? Well clearly not, because a disease is a stochastic process depending on random factors. Another epidemic with the same parameters on the same network might generate a different result.

We can check this by re-running the experiment again:


Notice that we didn’t have to re-set the parameters: the experiment just re-used the ones already set. Looking at the results we might see:

{'I': 0, 'S': 9807, 'R': 124}

Slightly more nodes were infected this time and therefore ended up removed (124 in the R compartment). If we ran the process again, we could see a different result again: the results could all be similar, or might possibly show some dramatic variation such as not having anyone at all becoming infected other than those who initially were.

Larger scale: explore infection rates

It would clearly be tedious and error-prone to perform lots of repetiions by hand, and even more so if we wanted to see, for example, whether changing the infection probability made a difference. Fortunately, because epydemic uses epyc to manage its execution, we can use epyc’s Lab class to automate the process.

Let’s run a larger experiment, performing repeated simulations for several different infection values. Without getting caught up in how epyc works (there’s a whole web site for that), we can just jump straight in:

import numpy

# create a notebook for results and a lab in which to run the experiments
nb = epyc.JSONLabNotebook('sir-experiments.json')
lab = epyc.Lab(nb)

# build the parameter space, where P_INFECT ranges from 0.01 to 1.0 in 10 steps
lab[epydemic.SIR.P_INFECTED] = 0.01
lab[epydemic.SIR.P_INFECT] = numpy.linspace(0.01, 1.0, num=10, endpoint=True)
lab[epydemic.SIR.P_REMOVE] = 0.05

# run 5 repetitions of the experiment at each point in the parameter space
lab.runExperiment(eypc.RepeatedExperiment(e, 5))

Significantly more time passes – unsurprisingly, since we’re doing 50 experimental runs (5 repetitions at each of 10 points in the parameter space, varying the infection probability each time). We can then retrieve all the results and import them directly into pandas for analysis:

import pandas

df = lab.dataframe()

You’ll see the results of the experiments loaded into this DataFrame, including the sizes of compartments, along with the experimental parameters that gave rise to those results anmd some other metadata about the simulation.

Even larger scale: parallelism

What if we want to go larger again? – say 100 points and 1000 repetitions? That’s clearly a lot more computation: 100,000 experimental runs. That’s a lot to do in a sequential fashion, but fortunately epydemic (or more accurately epyc) comes to our aid.

Suppose we have a 32-core workstation. This means we can run up to 32 processes simultaneously, and we can make use of this parallelism to run simulations in parallel. Each simulation still takes the same amount of time to run, but we run lots of them together. This can buy some speed-up.

We probably don’t want to use all 32 cores, as that’ll soak up all the available computing power and possibly leave us locked-out of our own machine! Instead we can, for example, leave 2 cores for everything else and consume the rest for our simulations.

pnb = epyc.JSONLabNotebook('more-sir-experiments.json')
plab = epyc.ParallelLab(nb, cores=-2)

plab[epydemic.SIR.P_INFECTED] = 0.01
plab[epydemic.SIR.P_INFECT] = numpy.linspace(0.01, 1.0, num=100, endpoint=True)
plab[epydemic.SIR.P_REMOVE] = 0.05

plab.runExperiment(eypc.RepeatedExperiment(e, 1000))

That’s it! The code of the simulation stays the same. We said cores=-2, which translates as “all but 2 of the cores” – 30 in our case – so 30 experiments run in parallel.

This might still not be fast enough, but epyc can also make use of a compute cluster if you have one available. See Second tutorial: Parallel execution for a lot more information on setting up and using compute clusters: once you’ve done this, epydemic can (with a few scant exceptions) use it without any changes in the processes or other code. We’ve used epydemic on clusters with around 180 cores without any problems, which gives significant speed-up as well as letting you walk away and do other things while your code’s running .