.. epydemic documentation master file, created by sphinx-quickstart on Mon Jun 12 20:20:38 2017. You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least contain the root `toctree` directive. epydemic: Epidemic (and other) simulations on networks in Python ================================================================ Vision: A common platform for simulating processes on networks -------------------------------------------------------------- ``epydemic`` aims to provide a common framework for the scalable and efficient simulation of epidemic (and other) processes on networks. The current version of ``epydemic`` can simulate an SIR epidemic on a network of :math:`10^5` nodes in about 20s, using Gillespie simulation and PyPy on a modern (Intel Core i7\@3.8GHz) workstation. What are epidemics? ------------------- Many common processes can be treated as epidemics, where some condition spreads between the nodes of a network. The most familiar example is a transmissible disease such as flu, where un-infected people become infected through contact with infceted people. Mathematically the population of people form a network (or graph), where the nodes represent people and the edges represent possible contacts between them. An epidemic begins when one or more person is initially infected and begins to spread the disease to his neighbours with some probability. Depending on factors such as the way the network is connected, the probability of a contact giving rise to an infection, the rate at which people recover from the illness and so forth, the disease may come to infect none, some, or all of the people. It turns out that a lot of interesting processes work mathematically like epidemics. As well as diseases, these include the spread of computer viruses, the spread of rumours on social media (or in the real world), the spread of genetic mutations, and even how soils drain. There are also lots of processes on networks that are *not* epidemics but that can still be simulated using similar techniques. Simulating processes on networks is therefore something a lot of people want to do frequently. However, the actual process of setting up and simulating such processes is complicated, and this is especially true when we want to do lots of repetitions of experiments to explore how different parameters affect how a process behaves. What is ``epydemic``? --------------------- ``epydemic`` is a pure Python simulation framework for epidemic processes. It aims to provide the common simulation approaches used in the scientific literature, together with a small set of "common epidemics" that can form the basis for experimentation. New disease models can be easily added. Actually ``epoydemic`` is somewhat more than this. It is a discrete-event simulator closely integrated with networks that can be used to study *all* sorts of network processes, many of which have nothing at all to do with epidemics. ``epydemic`` is built on top of :doc:`epyc `, an experiment management package that handles running different simulations either on a single machine or a compute cluster. Features -------- - Compatible with Python 3.6 and later, as well as with PyPy3 - Internal data structures optimised for performance at large scales - Supports both discrete-time :term:`synchronous dynamics` and continuous-time :term:`stochastic dynamics` (Gillespie) simulation - All details of network processes encapsulated in a single class - Uses ``networkx`` for representing disease networks, allowing random networks to be generated easily and real networks to be imported from outside sources - Support for a generic :term:`compartmented model of disease`, allowing complex and custom diseases to be described - Susceptible-Infected-Removed (:term:`SIR`), Susceptible-Infected-Susceptible (:term:`SIS`), and Susceptible-Exposed-Infected-Susceptible (:term:`SEIR`) models built-in, with variations - Opinion dynamics to model the spread of rumours - Vaccination models that reduce infection in vaccinated sub-populations, and allow those populations to change as the result of anti-vaccination rumours - Addition-deletion process to model natural birth and death - Pulse-coupled synchronisation process to explore the behaviour of coupled oscillators and similar systems. - An implementation of the Newman-Ziff algorithm for studying :term:`percolation` - Includes a library for working with :term:`generating functions`, as used in many research papers in network science - Integrated with ``epyc``'s :ref:`labs ` and :ref:`experiments `, including execution in parallel on compute clusters for doing simulations at scale - Fully compatible with ``jupyter`` notebooks and labs - Annotated with ``typing`` type annotations - Assorted notes and recipes on the implementation of epidemic process simulations .. toctree:: :hidden: install tutorial reference cookbook classes implementation glossary zbibliography contributing